Our unique “Platform Solution” driven by the trifecta of

Welcome to Infinity - Nuvama’s unique “Platform Solution” driven by the trifecta of:

Portfolio,Not Products

Institution,Not Individuals

Efficiency,Not Emotions

The Pillars of our Investment Approach

At Infinity, our investment philosophy is built on four key pillars. All of our recommendations and decisions are informed by

ComprehensiveInvestment Approach

Our team of investment experts create and manage a diversified portfolio across multiple asset classes, tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.


Our approach enables us to quickly respond and adapt to evolving investment trends and capture fleeting opportunities, providing you with the potential for higher returns.

Our coreinvestment principles

Bespoke Investment Solutions

We evaluate your Financial goals, cash flows requirements and Risk tolerance to design a customised investment plan.

Astute Asset Allocation

Our strategic selection of assets is designed to optimise the returns based on your goals, risk profile, and market conditions.

Nonconformity can be Profitable

We will always believe in facts and not in rumors/market noise.

Prudent Risk Management

We manage risk through diversification, portfolio rebalancing, and active monitoring of market dynamics.

Cost Conscious Approach

We always prefer cost efficient modes of investments.

Let’s defineyour family’s investment policy

At Nuvama Infinity, we help create an Investment Policy Statement to serve as a guide to your family’s investments. This statement considers your family’s unique needs and objectives, and sets clear guidelines and benchmarks to help you make informed investment decisions.

Family Considerations

  • Define how your investments will be structured and taxed
  • Outline any specific needs or objectives such as philanthropy, asset transmission, and liquidity events

Investment Principles and Objectives

  • Define your portfolio objectives and risk tolerance
  • Specify your asset allocation, returns goals, lliquidity needs, and cash flow needs
  • Set guidelines and restrictions such as manager restrictions, market caps, and credit exposure

Risk Metrics

  • Establish guidelines for concentration, liquidity, credit quality, and volatility
  • Specify conditions that trigger hedging, correction, and re-balancing of asset classes and products

At Nuvama Infinity, we help create an Investment Policy Statement to serve as a guide to your family’s investments. This statement considers your family’s unique needs and objectives, and sets clear guidelines and benchmarks to help you make informed investment decisions.

Institution - Not Individuals

At Nuvama Infinity, we ensure an unbiased approach to asset allocation by institutionalising the Global Investment Advisory Committee (GIAC). This team of asset class experts meet regularly to assess market conditions and make buy and sell decisions.

There’s absolutely no compromise on transparency and objectivity when it comes to managing your investments.

Here's how we approachAsset Allocation:

Fixed Income

We evaluate indicators and trends such as Absolute G Sec Yields, Spreads, US Fed 10 Year vs. INR 10 Year, GDP growth, and Inflation.


We consider Price to Earnings (PE), Price to Book (PB), Yield Gap, Market Cap to GDP, and Earnings Momentum.


We constantly scout for opportunities in non-conventional asset classes with objective of reducing volatility, augmenting yield and aligning them with stated portfolio objectives.

Here's how we approachAsset Allocation:

Portfolio - Not Products

We're all about putting your goals first. That's why our investment strategy is focused solely on your portfolio objectives, without any bias towards specific products.

With Nuvama Infinity, you can trust that your investments are tailored to your needs. Let’s work together to build a portfolio that's designed right only for you!

What we offer


Multi-asset solutions tailored to different risk profiles, with portfolio options categorised as growth, balanced, and conservative. We curate portfolios made up of stocks, bonds, ETFs, REITs, Invits, units of mutual funds, and any other permitted security.


Diversified MF solutions focus on investments in mutual funds and ETFs only, catering to different risk categories.


A 100% equity stock portfolio consists of high-quality companies with consistent earnings growth, profitability, market leadership, and high standards of corporate governance.

With Nuvama Infinity Mandate, you always have 24x7 access to your portfolio, along with best-in-class portfolio analytics to help you track your investments.

With Nuvama Infinity Mandate, you always have 24x7 access to your portfolio, along with best-in-class portfolio analytics to help you track your investments

Here to help, protect and grow your wealth

At Nuvama Infinity, we proactively monitor and work to mitigate all types of potential risks to your investments

Macroeconomic Risks : Risks that Impact the Economy

Our Approach
  • Strategic and Tactical Allocation based on rigorously back-tested model portfolios
  • Regular “when to sell” calls to avoid market downturns

Micro Risks: Security Issuer, Credit, Governance, and Portfolio Manager Risks

Our Approach
  • Extensive Research Coverage and Analysis
  • Early Warning Signals through Issuer and Security Monitoring
  • Manager Interaction and Market Information Utilisation

Portfolio Level Risks: Allocation, Liquidity, Credit Quality, Market Cap, and Volatility

Our Approach
  • Diligent Asset Allocation based on Client Objectives and Risk Tolerance
  • Adherence to Guidelines in the Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
  • Advice on Hedging Strategies to Mitigate Risks
  • Focus on High-Quality, Liquid, and Diversified Investments
  • Regular Risk Analysis and Monitoring to Adapt to Changing Market Conditions