Our Solutions

What we have in store for you

Grow and preserve your hard earned wealth

You’ve taken great pains to build your business and earn your wealth. It’s time to let a specialist grow and preserve your investments.

Driven primarily by the purpose of catering to the nuanced needs of our clients, we have created a bespoke platform that enables the comprehensive alignment of client requirements with the most optimal solutions. We offer products and services across the following segments.

InvestmentAdvisory Solutions

At Nuvama Private, we firmly believe that knowledge and insight combined with action can engender tangible value. What this means for our clients is access to unique market opportunities early in their cycle and the ability to optimally leverage these opportunities in a value accretive manner.

We understand that optimal solutions can only be offered when your needs are clearly charted. At the same time, we realize that needs in itself are evolving in nature and your portfolio must be able to holistically cater to your changing and different needs. Therefore, we focus on assisting you in clearly articulating your needs, i.e. short, medium, and long-term goals, and assessing opportunities that are in alignment with your personal priorities, financial goals, and underlying attitude to risk.


If you are seeking significant portfolio growth, then we would cater to your requirement through aggressive solutions. We strive to achieve high growth by consistently spotting market opportunities ahead of the curve, while also balancing aggression with prudent portfolio risk management.


We offer curated solutions that make your portfolio safe, stable, and efficient. We consider the evolving scenarios that can impact a portfolio adversely including regulation, inflation or changes in economic environment and accordingly envisage the right solutions. Our proven expertise in creating a framework for smooth intergenerational transfer of wealth is an added benefit that clients enjoy.

Income Generation

It has been observed that ensuring a steady yield on wealth is one of the key priorities of clients. We help to create and monitor portfolios that focus on yields and liquidity, while safeguarding it against taxation and volatility. Our consistent efforts are focused on optimising your portfolio, according to the mutually agreed targeted return with an aim to provide you the steady income that you desire.


Promoter Funding

With a focus on easy funding, we offer you competitive solutions to leverage your equity holdings in your own companies. Nuvama Private enables promoters to increase their current shareholding or utilise the funds to expand and diversify the business in a sustainable manner.

Loan Against Securities

Nuvama Private has a formidable track record of arranging for loans against listed and unlisted securities. This facility enables you to borrow funds against your existing investment portfolios to meet investment and liquidity requirements. The facility is available in multiple variants, and in perfect alignment with your profile and needs.


Diversified Holdings

Most entrepreneurs face the risk of highly concentrated and illiquid holdings which stems from high exposure to their own company’s stock. To mitigate this risk and optimally leverage the holdings we help you create a well-diversified portfolio that optimally addresses this risk. Nuvama Private offers you personalised solutions to ensure wealth preservation amid market volatilities, while ensuring alignment with your overarching goals.

Portfolio Hedging

As market participants, you are already well-aware of the impact of volatility on your portfolio growth and the need to optimally hedge the risk of market volatility. Thus, we firmly believe that there is a need to frequently assess portfolio risks and comprehensively evaluate options that can help you protect or hedge your investments, thereby reducing overall portfolio risk. With our proven expertise in the capital markets, we have the capability to astutely manage risk and review portfolios. We diligently evaluate market trends with an aim to provide solutions that balance portfolio risk through proven strategies.

Special Situation Opportunities

Nuvama pioneered derivatives and arbitrage trading in Indian markets and holds the distinction of being a leader in this space. We are well-positioned to draw on this expertise for the benefit of our clients and create nuanced  capital market strategies that capitalise upon pricing anomalies stemming from corporate announcements, result expectations, IPOs, etc.
Our integrated advisory platform helps execute these strategies swiftly and simply, thereby ensuring that you are able to proactively leverage intermittent opportunities.

Wealth Structuring and Tax Advisory

Wealth not only serves to meet your current and future needs but also should be preserved for posterity. While it is important to ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to the next generation, the fact of the matter is that wealth transfer can be a complex and emotionally overwhelming task. At Nuvama Private, we understand your need to preserve your legacy and have accordingly developed deep expertise in the area of wealth transfer. Our team of experts is well-positioned to address the many facets of wealth transfer ranging from creating a will to serving as executor and trustee, if necessary.


We understand that accessing capital is crucial for businesses to grow and expand, and we provide our clients with the necessary support and guidance to navigate the complex financial market. Our expertise in the industry and our strong relationships with lenders enable us to provide our clients with the best possible solutions.

Debt Raising

We offer you a wide range of corporate financing solutions like project funding and working capital loans. We also facilitate advisory services on structuring and syndicating loans from the market. We can meet all your debt funding obligations via bespoke solutions.

Equity Raising

We have a proven track record of enabling clients to access capital to attain organic and inorganic business expansion. Our time-tested ability to raise capital from domestic and offshore institutions and alternate sources of capital has positioned us as the preferred partner for such ventures.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Through years of experience, we have emerged at the forefront of identifying and presenting opportunities for M&A. Our advisory is fully equipped to enable you to achieve your strategic goals, whether it is expanding or streamlining your business operations.


We follow the highest standards of transparency and firmly believe in empowering you with access to the right information, at the right time. From that perspective, we offer:

  • 24×7 access via the Web & App
  • Easy-view portfolio, performance analytics along with income classification for tax management
  • Portfolio allocation history with insights on investment decisions
  • 30+ downloadable reports
  • Seamless integration of execution and reporting
  • Nuvama Private app

We’re on your side of the table

Our family office services provide comprehensive solutions that can manage both your financial as well as investment requirements. We act as a one-stop-shop catering to the most basic and the most sophisticated financial and investment needs of your family and businesses.

Our approach is tethered to our ability to holistically understand the unique needs and goals of your family and accordingly create customized solutions that can effectively meet these needs. Our seasoned team of wealth advisors, who specialize in family offices, provide a highly valuable proposition to those of you who want to ensure that your finances are in capable hands, thereby leaving you to focus on the other aspect of your lives.

Our family office services


/    Risk management & insurance

/   Philanthropic planning

/   Estate and trust services

/   Tax planning & compliance

/   Investment services

/   Family education


/   Consultants

/   Tax advisors

/   Family members

/   Private wealth firms

/   Bankers

/   Asset managers

Investment Advisory

At Nuvama Private, we firmly believe that knowledge and insight combined with action can engender tangible value. What this means for our clients is access to unique market opportunities early in their cycle and the ability to optimally leverage these opportunities in a value accretive manner.

We understand that optimal solutions can only be offered when your needs are clearly charted. At the same time, we realise that needs in itself are evolving in nature and your portfolio must be able to holistically cater to your changing and different needs. Therefore, we focus on assisting you in clearly articulating your needs, i.e. short, medium, and long-term goals, and assessing opportunities that are in alignment with your personal priorities, financial goals, and underlying attitude to risk.


At Nuvama Private, we are very conscious of the critical role that you can play in orchestrating positive change in our ecosystems. Our team of professionals can extend support and provide guidance on areas of your priorities which can help make a difference to the world.

Business Advisory

In a downturn economic scenario, businesses need to be resilient and future-ready and, in this quest for sustainability. Our experienced professionals have the ability to boost operational efficiency and lower business expenses by analyzing potentially flawed processes and offering recommendations on best practices. Our professionals will analyze businesses and create solutions while helping companies meet their goals.

Capital Raising

Equity Raising:
We have a proven track record of enabling clients to access capital to attain organic and inorganic business expansion. We hold a dominant market position in ECM. Our time-tested ability to raise capital from domestic and offshore institutions and alternate sources of capital has positioned us as the preferred partner for such ventures.

Debt Raising:
We offer you a wide range of corporate financing solutions like project funding and working capital loans. We also facilitate advisory services on structuring and syndicating loans from the market. We can meet all your debt funding obligations via focused solutions.

Mergers & Acquisition:
Through years of experience, we have emerged at the forefront of identifying and presenting opportunities for M&A. Our advisory is fully equipped to enable you to achieve your strategic goals, whether it is expanding or streamlining your business operations.

Wealth Structuring

Wealth not only serves to meet your current and future needs but also should be preserved for posterity. While it is important to ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to the next generation, the fact of the matter is that wealth transfer can be a complex and emotionally overwhelming task. At Nuvama Private, we understand your need to preserve your legacy and have accordingly developed deep expertise in the area of wealth transfer. Our team of experts is well-positioned to address the many facets of wealth transfer ranging from creating a will to serving as executor and trustee, if necessary.

Treasury Management

Over the years, we have refined and enhanced our treasury management capabilities and now offer treasury investments across fixed-income, equities, derivatives, commodities, and real estate. We manage one of the largest multi-asset treasury books in the industry and provide both enhanced treasury management capabilities as well as access to differentiated strategies that include enhanced cash flow management, absolute return strategies, special situation trades, low risk derivatives strategies, etc.


Promoter funding:
With a focus on easy funding, we offer you competitive solutions to leverage your equity holdings in your own companies. Nuvama Private enables promoters to increase their current shareholding or utilise the funds to expand and diversify the business in a sustainable manner.

Loan against securities:
Nuvama Private has a formidable track record of arranging for loans against listed securities such as stocks, debentures, and mutual funds. This facility enables you to borrow funds against your existing investment portfolios to meet investment and liquidity requirements. The facility is available in multiple variants, and in perfect alignment with your profile and needs.

Multi Asset Class Solutions

Our team of professionals will offer you innovative solutions across diversified asset classes like fixed income, equities, alternates, real estate etc.

Consolidated Reporting

Large families engage with multiple advisors and have investments spread across a wide range of asset classes and instruments. In order to take the most optimal investment and financial decisions, we provide such families with a holistic view of their holdings along with deep portfolio analysis including risk, performance, and cost benchmarking across advisors.

Our In-houseExpertise


At Nuvama Private, we are very conscious of the critical role that you can play in orchestrating positive change in our ecosystems. Our team of professionals can extend support and provide guidance on areas of your priorities which can help make a difference to the world.

Investment Advisory

At Nuvama Private, we firmly believe that knowledge and insight combined with action can engender tangible value. What this means for our clients is access to unique market opportunities early in their cycle and the ability to optimally leverage these opportunities in a value accretive manner.

We understand that optimal solutions can only be offered when your needs are clearly charted. At the same time, we realise that needs in itself are evolving in nature and your portfolio must be able to holistically cater to your changing and different needs. Therefore, we focus on assisting you in clearly articulating your needs, i.e. short, medium, and long-term goals, and assessing opportunities that are in alignment with your personal priorities, financial goals, and underlying attitude to risk.

Business Advisory

In a downturn economic scenario, businesses need to be resilient and future-ready and, in this quest for sustainability. Our experienced professionals have the ability to boost operational efficiency and lower business expenses by analyzing potentially flawed processes and offering recommendations on best practices. Our professionals will analyze businesses and create solutions while helping companies meet their goals.

Capital Raising

Equity Raising:
We have a proven track record of enabling clients to access capital to attain organic and inorganic business expansion. We hold a dominant market position in ECM. Our time-tested ability to raise capital from domestic and offshore institutions and alternate sources of capital has positioned us as the preferred partner for such ventures.

Debt Raising:
We offer you a wide range of corporate financing solutions like project funding and working capital loans. We also facilitate advisory services on structuring and syndicating loans from the market. We can meet all your debt funding obligations via bespoke solutions.

Mergers & Acquisition:
Through years of experience, we have emerged at the forefront of identifying and presenting opportunities for M&A. Our advisory is fully equipped to enable you to achieve your strategic goals, whether it is expanding or streamlining your business operations.

Treasury Management

Over the years, we have refined and enhanced our treasury management capabilities and now offer treasury investments across fixed-income, equities, derivatives, commodities, and real estate. We manage one of the largest multi-asset treasury books in the industry and provide both enhanced treasury management capabilities as well as access to differentiated strategies that include enhanced cash flow management, absolute return strategies, special situation trades, low risk derivatives strategies, etc.

Multi Asset Class Solutions

Our team of professionals will offer you innovative solutions across diversified asset classes like fixed income, equities, alternates, real estate etc.

Wealth Structuring

Wealth not only serves to meet your current and future needs but also should be preserved for posterity. While it is important to ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to the next generation, the fact of the matter is that wealth transfer can be a complex and emotionally overwhelming task. At Nuvama Private, we understand your need to preserve your legacy and have accordingly developed deep expertise in the area of wealth transfer. Our team of experts is well-positioned to address the many facets of wealth transfer ranging from creating a will to serving as executor and trustee, if necessary.

Consolidated Reporting

Large families engage with multiple advisors and have investments spread across a wide range of asset classes and instruments. In order to take the most optimal investment and financial decisions, we provide such families with a holistic view of their holdings along with deep portfolio analysis including risk, performance, and cost benchmarking across advisors.


Promoter funding:
With a focus on easy funding, we offer you competitive solutions to leverage your equity holdings in your own companies. Nuvama Private enables promoters to increase their current shareholding or utilise the funds to expand and diversify the business in a sustainable manner.

Loan against securities:
Nuvama Private has a formidable track record of arranging for loans against listed securities such as stocks, debentures, and mutual funds. This facility enables you to borrow funds against your existing investment portfolios to meet investment and liquidity requirements. The facility is available in multiple variants, and in perfect alignment with your profile and needs.

When identified, opportunities are infinite

As a leader, you already understand the importance of steering both your company as well as your wealth in the right direction. At the same time, you are cognisant of the challenges that can emerge especially considering that a large portion of your wealth may be tied to your own company’s stock.

We understand your unique requirements and offer you personalised solutions that not only help you diversify the concentration risk in your portfolio but also cater to your specific needs. These solutions can help you strike the right risk-return balance while ensuring that your wealth is well-protected through the ebbs and flows of the investment markets.

ESOP Funding

We offer you the option to take a loan against the shares allotted to you by your employer. This loan facility will enable you to exercise the ESOP options by giving you an opportunity to take a loan against the ESOPs, thereby providing the liquidity and diversification that your portfolio needs.

Targeted Opportunities

Diversified Holdings:
Most entrepreneurs and CXOs face the risk of highly concentrated and illiquid holdings which stems from high exposure to their own company’s stock. To mitigate this risk and optimally leverage the holdings we help you create a well-diversified portfolio that optimally addresses this risk. Nuvama Private offers you personalized solutions to ensure wealth preservation amid market volatilities, while keeping your priorities forefront.

Risk Management

Nuvama Private pioneered derivatives and arbitrage trading in Indian markets and holds the distinction of being a leader in this space. We are well-positioned to draw on this expertise for the benefit of our clients and create nuanced derivatives strategies that can effectively manage overall portfolio risk.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that your needs can be fairly nuanced and cannot be holistically catered to through cookie cutter solutions. Thus, we believe in creating solutions that are catered to your specific requirements, circumstances, and life stage. To help you navigate your financial planning journey better, we have created Infinity – a “Platform Solution” that adheres to the philosophy of providing Portfolio, Not Products; Institution, Not Individuals; and Cost Efficiency together with cutting edge Technology. Unique areas of value add include:

  • Comprehensive investment approach: A multi-asset class portfolio created and managed by a team of experts, constructed for your needs.
  • Optimally manage the ebbs and flows of the investment landscape: Active monitoring and risk management to ensure timely and proactive execution of strategies.
  • Well-positioned to capitalize upon prevailing opportunities: Identify and action market-related opportunities in a timely and seamless manner.
  • Enables you to pilot your journey: Investment approach driven by your family council and managed by us.

Employee Stock Options

Nuvama Private provides end to end solutions for Employee Stock Options ESOPs. Our integrated platform provides you with attractive and flexible financing solutions to execute trades seamlessly.


We follow the highest standards of transparency and firmly believe in empowering you with access to the right information, at the right time. From that perspective, we offer:

  • 24×7 access via the Web
  • Easy-view Portfolio & Performance Analytics with income classification for tax management
  • Portfolio allocation history with insights on investment decisions
  • 30+ downloadable reports
  • Seamless integration of execution and reporting
  • Private Wealth management app

Our Services

Targeted Opportunities

Diversified Holdings:
Most entrepreneurs and CXOs face the risk of highly concentrated and illiquid holdings which stems from high exposure to their own company’s stock. To mitigate this risk and optimally leverage the holdings we help you create a well-diversified portfolio that optimally addresses this risk. Nuvama Private offers you personalized solutions to ensure wealth preservation amid market volatilities, while keeping your priorities forefront.

Portfolio Hedging:
As market participants, you are already well-aware of the impact of volatility on your portfolio growth and the need to optimally hedge the risk of market volatility. Thus, we firmly believe that there is a need to frequently assess portfolio risks and comprehensively evaluate options that can help you protect or hedge your investments, thereby reducing overall portfolio risk. With our proven expertise in the capital markets, we have the capability to astutely manage risk and review portfolios. We diligently evaluate market trends with an aim to provide solutions that balance portfolio risk through proven strategies.

Special Situation Opportunities:
Nuvama Private pioneered derivatives and arbitrage trading in Indian markets and holds the distinction of being a leader in this space. We are well-positioned to draw on this expertise for the benefit of our clients and create nuanced capital market strategies that capitalise upon pricing anomalies stemming from corporate announcements, result expectations, IPOs, etc.
Our integrated advisory platform helps execute these strategies swiftly and simply, thereby ensuring that you are able to proactively leverage intermittent opportunities.

ESOP Funding

We offer you the option to take a loan against the shares allotted to you by your employer. This loan facility will enable you to exercise the ESOP options by giving you an opportunity to take a loan against the ESOPs, thereby providing the liquidity and diversification that your portfolio needs.

Risk Management

Nuvama Private pioneered derivatives and arbitrage trading in Indian markets and holds the distinction of being a leader in this space. We are well-positioned to draw on this expertise for the benefit of our clients and create nuanced derivatives strategies that can effectively manage overall portfolio risk.

Infinity Tailored Solutions for Professionals

We understand that your needs can be fairly nuanced and cannot be holistically catered to through cookie-cutter solutions. Thus, we believe in creating solutions that are catered to your specific requirements, circumstances, and life stage. To help you navigate your financial planning journey better, we have created Infinity – a “Platform Solution” that adheres to the philosophy of providing:

  • Portfolio, Not Products
  • Institution, Not Individuals
  • Cost Efficiency together with cutting-edge Technology

Unique areas of value add include:

  • Comprehensive investment approach: A multi-asset class portfolio created and managed by a team of experts, constructed for your needs.
  • Optimally manage the ebbs and flows of the investment landscape: Active monitoring and risk management to ensure timely and proactive execution of strategies.
  • Well-positioned to capitalize upon prevailing opportunities: Identify and action market-related opportunities in a timely and seamless manner.
  • Enables you to pilot your journey: Investment approach driven by your family council and managed by us.

Employee Stock Options

Nuvama Private provides end to end solutions for Employee Stock Options ESOPs. Our integrated platform provides you with attractive and flexible financing solutions to execute trades seamlessly.


We follow the highest standards of transparency and firmly believe in empowering you with access to the right information, at the right time. From that perspective, we offer:

  • 24×7 access via the Web & App
  • Easy-view portfolio, performance analytics along with income classification for tax management
  • Portfolio allocation history with insights on investment decisions
  • 30+ downloadable reports
  • Seamless integration of execution and reporting
  • Private Wealth management app

Our family office services


/    Risk management & insurance

/   Philanthropic planning

/   Estate and trust services

/   Tax planning & compliance

/   Investment services

/   Family education


/   Consultants

/   Tax advisors

/   Family members

/   Private wealth firms

/   Bankers

/   Asset managers


/    Risk management & insurance

/   Philanthropic planning

/   Estate and trust services

/   Tax planning & compliance

/   Investment services

/   Family education


/   Consultants

/   Tax advisors

/   Family members

/   Private wealth firms

/   Bankers

/   Asset managers